Monday, June 21, 2010


The game quarters is most possibly one of my least favorite drinking games that are out there. This is probably because I am so bad at it no matter what tricks people show me. They never seem to work for me at least but there are people out there that like this game because of its simplicity but also because they unlike me are good at it. All you need is an alcoholic drink of choice to pour into the shot glasses that you also need. Lastly you need people to play along with quarts but that was pretty obvious because of the name of the game. You can play that each person gets a shot glass or that there is only one shot glass in the center of the table. If you are playing where each person gets a shot glass then each person takes a turn trying to get a quarter into whoever’s glass that they want to aim for if they make it that person has to drink and they get another chance at someone else. They keep getting to shoot until they miss. Then the next person gets to go. Or you can play where there is one glass in the middle and whoever makes it in gets to choose who has to drink and once again they continue to get the quarter into the glass until they miss. This may sound easy but I have yet to mention the hardest part and that is that the quarter first has to be bounced off the table to make it into the glass. This is a whole lot harder than you would think that it would be. I have heard that the lower that you release it to the table that the higher you will get it along with more control of the quarter me on the other hand nothing works for and I have never made a quarter in.

I would rate this game at a 2 out of 10 but I really do believe that is just because I am so bad at it. I cannot seem to figure out the proper technique so I believe that quarters is a love/hate game (you either love it or hate it).

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